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Writing Sweatshop Chapter Scan

Nov 29, 2017 | 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Chapter Scan!
Writing Day
Join this Writing Day: give your chapter a fresh push and write it in an
effective way!
This workshop sets your writing in motion on the spot and allows you to
push your text forward in a group with other dedicated writers.
Using the method of the Chapter Scan you will clarify where to go and what to do next. – And then you will do it right away.
In the afternoon, you will polish your argumentation. We will work on a section of your text and make it shine! This is an opportunity to become better in editing and reworking raw-texts.
While in the Writing-Sweatshop we work from the blank page, here you are welcome to come with:
– existing drafts
– chapters that have always been avoided, but need tackleing
– chapters that went off track and should to be recaptured
– chapters that fell asleep, and could to be kissed awake
– Also texts in progress, that are well underway
This process is a kind of acid test for the text that you bring along.
Please note: You do not have to have a problem at all. You can just enjoy a focussed writing day with colleagues, learning effective writing and editing methods.


Please register with the coordinator for this workshop.

Time & Location

Nov 29, 2017 | 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

GEAS, Room 1.36, Hittorfstr. 18, 14195 Berlin