Waseda Core 2 Core: The European Union and Japan in a Fluid Global Liberal Order (2018-2023)
Research Exchange Project
JSPS Core-to-Core (C2C) Programme
(excerpt from Waseda website and informal translation of its application as of 11 April 2018)
Main objectives
The Global Liberal Order has been constructed (and contested) since the end of the Second World War. This order now gets more fluid than ever with the rise of Russia and China, but more seriously with the Brexit referendum and the Trump victory in 2016. At the same time, however, the European Union (EU) and Japan have long shared the liberal values – both economic and political values. These two actors concluded their official negotiations over two significant agreements: Free Trade Agreement (FTA) / Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) in December 2017.
The main objectives of this research project are, primarily, to carry out the theoretical and empirical studies of EU-Japan relations within the context of four broad research areas, and subsequently, to establish a world-wide centre of ‘Inter-Regional Studies (IRS)’ in the academic field of Politics and International Relations. Establishing an IRS centre, it is imperative for us to expand our research networks involving the students of Asian / Asia-Pacific Studies, while strengthening our existing networks of European Studies around the world. In the studies of the EU and European integration, Waseda University has already carried out the substantial research collaboration and exchange with (1) Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Belgium, (2) Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) in Germany, (3) University of Warwick (UW) in the UK, and (4) University of Canterbury (UC) in New Zealand. This research project will strengthen these existing networks, by including other research institutions in each country and in both regions: Europe and the Asia-Pacific.
Another significant objective of this research exchange project is to encourage as many young (early stage) researchers, post-doctoral and doctoral students, and particularly to jointly supervise PhD students through the ‘cotutelle’ system which Waseda and ULB are carrying out within the GEM-STONES project.
The project is led by Waseda Organization for Regional and Inter-regional Studies. GEAS and SCRIPTS are cooperation partners for exchange at FUB.