Publication Funding
There are multiple opportunities to publish your dissertation or second book if you have received excellent grades for your PhD thesis and defense. Please find below a list of possibilities to apply for publication support (Publikations-/Druckkostenzuschuss).
Diversity + role model + networking is the idea of the Deutscher Akademikerinnenbund and is also implemented in its funding committee.
Diversity: The DAB acts interdisciplinary, is not bound to any profession, party, religion, nationality or age. You can become a member during your studies.
Role model: The funding committee supports women academics of all disciplines and honours their achievements. This is done by making visible and promoting academically educated women who at the same time serve as role models for the next generation.
Networking: The DAB offers a platform at regional, national and international level for the formal and informal networking of women academics and promotes the expansion of network structures.
The funding is a special recognition of the innovative achievements of female* scientists, i.e. doctoral and postdoctoral candidates.
Scientific publications in a German publishing house through a (publisher-independent) printing cost subsidy (up to 500 euros).
Publication by LIT-Verlag (Münster/ Hamburg/ London) (without assumption of printing costs)
Digital Publications
Travel grants for conferences and meetings
Publication grants support the publication of scientific works in printed or digital form by subsidising technical manufacturing costs. Funds for printing a dissertation/thesis can only be awarded in exceptional cases; one condition for such an application is that the thesis must have received the highest mark possible as stipulated in the respective doctoral degree regulations (summa cum laude).
Grants may be used for print publications, provided they are made available in bookstores, as well as for electronic publications. The proposal should contain cost estimates from two publishers and an explanation of the choice of publisher. Publication grants are to be used to help defray the technical publication costs.
Ernst Reuter (1889 - 1953), as Lord Mayor (from 1950 Governing Mayor) of Berlin, played a decisive role in the founding and establishment of Freie Universität Berlin. He was chairman of the founding committee and the first board of trustees.
His greatest wish was to establish a society dedicated to promoting young academics. On January 27, 1954, the non-profit association Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft der Förderer & Freunde der Freien Universität Berlin e.V. was founded. For years, the Ernst Reuter Society has enjoyed a continuously growing number of members.
The association's purpose is to maintain and strengthen Freie Universität Berlin as an independent place of the free spirit, and to provide Freie Universität with non-material and material help free of charge. Since its founding in 1954, the Ernst Reuter Society has provided non-material and material assistance as a central association for the advancement of Freie Universität's position as a place of innovative ideas.
The Society also supports publication expenses upon application:
The ICAS Book Prize (IBP) was established in 2004. It aims to create an international focus for academic publications on Asia, thus increasing their worldwide visibility. The biennial ICAS Book Prize is awarded for outstanding books and dissertations on Asia, and has always been organised around broad interdisciplinary bases (Social Sciences and Humanities) rather than traditional geographic or disciplinary compartmentalisations.
Starting in 2017, so as to reflect ICAS’ decentralising approach, the IBP now also honours publications in Chinese, French, German and Korean (in addition to the original English Edition). Other language editions are due to follow.
The Presentation of the IBP Awards takes place during the Opening Ceremony of the ICAS meeting of that same year. The IBP 2021 Awards Presentation will take place during the Opening Ceremony of ICAS 12 in Kyoto.
The IBP English Language Edition features 4 main Awards for Books: Best Book in the Humanities; Best Book in the Social Sciences; Colleagues' Choice Award in the Humanities; Colleagues' Choice Award in the Social Sciences.
The Prizes for ‘Best Book’ each consist of €2,500 (in the case of a multi-authored work the prize will be shared equally).
The Colleagues' Choice Award winners will be reimbursed for the flight to and registration fee for the current or next ICAS meeting.
The Awards for the ‘Best Dissertation in the Humanities’ and the ‘Best Dissertation in the Social Sciences’ consist of €1250 each.
The "Foundation for the Promotion of Japanese-German Scientific and Cultural Relations" (in short: "JaDe Foundation") was initially founded in 1974 as the JaDe Association. At the time, the Japanese government provided the Federal Republic of Germany with a one-time, substantial financial donation on the occasion of a state visit by Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei. These funds were to be used to support projects that would disseminate knowledge about Japan in a wide variety of fields and deepen cultural and scientific relations between the two countries. The administration of the capital and the annual allocation of funds from the interest income was transferred to the Association for the Promotion of Japanese-German Cultural Relations, Cologne (JaDe), whose membership consisted of representatives of a broad spectrum of academic disciplines.
Freie Universität offers funding to co-finance the publication costs (Book Processing Charges, BPCs) for open-access monographs and edited volumes that have not been published previously.
The funding was drawn from Freie Universität Berlin budget resources; the fund is managed by the University Library. Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received until the allocated funds have been exhausted. In individual cases, the decision as to whether the funding is granted rests with the University Library.
Funding conditions for monographs are explained in detail at the Open Access Website:
Science Promotion FundThe Science Promotion Fund of VG WORT GmbH is recognised as a non-profit organisation and pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes.The aim of the fund is the statutory promotion of science and research.
Printing cost subsidies are granted for outstanding scientific works which have not been published by the time of approval and which could not be published without financial support due to high specialisation and small print runs. A committee made up of equal numbers of publishers and scientists decides on the allocation of grants according to strictly scientific criteria.