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Anastasiya Bayok

Postdoctoral Researcher University of Gießen

GEAS Einstein Postdoc 2017-2020, now University of Gießen

You Kyung Byun

Research Assistant Professor, Chung An University

100,000 Won Friends: Calculating Gifts and Debts Among Dear Friends in South Korean Institutional Network (Comittee: B. Röttger-Rössler, E. Lee, Jesook Song)

Lu Chen

Catch Welfare Platform Operations Manager, Alumna March 2022 (DAAD)

The Moving Temples: A Study of Fishermen’s Religious Associations in the East Lake Tai Basin (Committee: Hansjörg Dilger, Philip Clart, Claudia Liebelt, Thomas Stodulka, Marco Freire)

Ran Cheng

Head of International Business Development Media Consulta Intl Holding

Bringing the Firm Back to the Minimum Wage Study: Wage Effect of Minimum Wage in China from an Institutional and Organisational Perspective (Committee: Gregory Jackson, Elena Meyer-Clement, Jörg Sydow, Barbara Fritz)

Steve R. Entrich

Postdoctoral research fellow, Professorship for Intergenerational Relations, Educational Research and Youth Studies, University of Innsbruck (AT)

GEAS PostDoc 2018-2019

Julia Gerster-Damerow

Assistant Professor IRIDES Tohoku University

Kizuna: The dynamics of social ties in post-disaster Japan. Impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Radiation. (Thesis Commitee: Verena Blechinger-Talcott, Birgitt Röttger-Rössler, Urs Matthias Zachmann)

Jihye Han

GEAS Award Postdoc 2017-18

The institutionalization of the Korean higher education system with regard to lifelong learning and the support system for working adults in Korea (Committee: E.J. Lee, Andrä Wolter, H. Mosler)

Oul Han

2bytescorp, Team Lead

Measuring Frames: Discursive Institutions in Polarized Politics (Committee: Eun-Jeung Lee, Sabine Kropp, Hannes B. Mosler)

Ulv Hanssen

Soka University Associate Professor

Japan's Temporal Others: How the Past Has Shaped Japanese Postwar Security Policy (Thesis Committee: V. Blechinger-Talcott, T. Risse, L. Hagström)

Ji Young Heo

Research Professor, Inha Center for International Studies, Inha University

Contentious Narratives on National Identity of South Korea: How to Understand the Self and the Significant Others, North Korea and the United States (Committee: Eun-Jeung Lee, Günther Maihold, Gülay Caglar, Hee-Seok Park)

Madeleine Heuer

Holistic Transformational Coach & Yoga Teacher

South Korean Identities, Ideologies and the Framing of North Korean Defectors in the South Korean media

John Jacobs

Researcher in Security and International Affairs, Crisis Intelligence Co.Ltd, Japan

Cooperation Across Alliance Systems to Manage a Hegemonic Ally: The Case of Japan’s Cooperation with Europe in United States-led Out-of-Area Operations (committee: V. Blechinger-Talcott, T. Risse, L.A. Viola, T. Hfmann, M. Wadhwa)


J. Brooks Jessup

University of Berkeley Visiting Lecturer

GEAS PostDoc 2013-2017

Hendrik Johannemann

Friedrich-Ebert Foundation (FES), Team Asia-Pacific

Opposing Desires. The Contentious Politics of the South Korean Anti-LGBT Movement

Hyuk Jung

Public Relations Department of Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Human Rights in Contention: The Discursive Politics of North Korean Human Rights

Chi Ho Kiang

Alumnus June 2024 (DAAD)

The Taste of Occupation: Food, War, and Society in Occupied North China, 1937-1945 (Committee: U.M. Zachmann, Kawashima Shin (Tokyo), Cornelia Reiher, Ines Eben von Racknitz, Anna Belogurova)

Hak-Jae Kim

Assistant Professor, Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National University

Historical Sociology (GEAS Postdoc 2013-16)

Hyun Gyung Kim

Assistant Professor, Gender Studies, Seoul Women's University

GEAS Postdoc 2017-2019

Jieun Kim

Lecturer in Japanese Studies, University of Leeds

GEAS Postdoc 2015-2017

Olteun Kim

Teacher and Educator

The Policy Decision Process beyond Anti-LGBT Politics in South Korea (Committee: Eun-Jeung Lee, Gülay Caglar, Sabine Kropp, Hee-seok Park, Daniela Claus-Kim)

Paul Joscha Kohlenberg

Heinrich Böll Stiftung Referat Asien

Institutional Logics in an Authoritarian State. Why The Chinese Communist Party’s Command Mechanisms Have Remained Unaffected by Legal Reforms (Committee: T. Risse, K. Levy, E. Sandschneider)

Ayako Komine

GEAS PostDoc Alumna 2013-2015

GEAS PostDoc 2013-2015

Florentine Koppenborg

Postdoctoral Fellow, TUm School of Governance, TU Munich

Reforming nuclear safety administration in Japan after the Fukushima nuclear accident: A critical juncture in regulatory practices (Committee: M. Schreurs, V. Blechinger-Talcott, G.W. Noble)

Angela Leggett


Chinese NGO monitoring of corporate environmental responsibility and firms' responses: Exploring convergent and divergent behaviours in emerging institutional terrain (Committee: G. Jackson, B. Gransow, J.Sydow)

Bin Li

Entrepreneurialization of Ethnicity: An Ethnographic Research on Chinese Newcomer Entrepreneurs in Tokyo (Committee: B. Röttger-Rössler, C. Reiher, S. Calkins, T. Stodulka, M. Wadhwha)

Jingyi Li

Alumna June 2024

Aging Bodies in the Return Dilemma: Korean Chinese Labor Migration (Committee: Thomas Stodulka, Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla, Hansjörg Dilger, Claudia Liebelt, Marcos Freire de Andrade Neves)

Jingyi Li

Eva Liias

Program Director MA Contemporary Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Tartu

Japanese responses to internationalization of higher education: actors at universities and their involvement in the contemporary reform (Committee: V. Blechinger-Talcott, J. Dierkes, K. Paadam)

Valeria Lotti

Conference Manager Lexxion Publisher

What women want: an analysis of cosmetic surgery and social achievements in contemporary urban China (Committee: Klaus Mühlhahn, Beate Binder, Sabrina Hbich-Sobiegalla, Vladimir Glomb, Megha Wadhwa)

Silvan Meier

Strategic Account Manager DACH, Alcon, Freiburg im Breisgau

The Organisational Transformation of Media Groups in China (Committee: J. Sydow, K. Mühlhahn, K. Beck)

Lisa Melcher

Head of Department IT, Viadrina University Frankfurt (Oder)

Who plans small towns and how? Multiple orders of worth in spatial planning at the local level in Sichuan, China (Committee: Bettina Gransow, Olaf Zenker, Elena Meyer-Clement, Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla, Emily Mae Gräf)

Chaline Mondwurf

Alumna 2024

The Role of Mediating Institutions for the Integration of Brazilian (Im-)Migrants in Japan (Committee: Cornelia Reiher, Stephanie Schütze,

Chaline Timmerarens

Kei Namba

TU Berlin, postdoctoral fellow and Freelance Consultant (Water Governance)

Japan's multi-level water governance in Southeast Asia (Thesis Committee: V. Blechinger-Talcott, G. Maihold, Vincent Houben)

Jan Niggemeier

Team Research Funding, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

The Other Labour Movement - Community Unions' Role in Japanese Labour Revitalisation


Elizabeth Noble

Research Fellow, Høgskolen i Østfold, Norway

Different Lenses? Women in Contemporary Japanese Photography (Committee: Matthias Zachmann, Chris Perkins, Verena Blechinger-Talcott, Cornelia Reiher, Tarik Mérida-Geber)

Emina Popović

Institute of East Asian Studies at Charles University, Prague

Comparative Politics, Chinese politics, Authoritarianism, Interest groups politics, State-society relations

Eva Seiwert

Analyst, Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS)

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and China's strategy of shaping international norms (Commitee: Elena Meyer-Clement, Eberhard Sandschneider, Tobias Berger, Verena Blechinger-Talcott, Kai Schulze)

Alfonso Sánchez Romera

Postdoctoral Researcher 2022-2023, now Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Chinese Urban Middle Class

Julia Teebken

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Geography, LMU Munich

Vulnerability locked in. Explaining local climate adaptation deficits in China and the United States. (Comittee: Miranda Schreurs, Genia Kostka, Sven Chojnacki, Christian Lammert)

Corey Wallace

Associate Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kanagawa University

Einstein Postdoc 2015-2019

Eun Hee Woo

Assistant Professor, Josai International University

Institutional Change and Intra-Party Democracy : Mechanisms of Party Elite Recruitment in Korea and Germany (Committee: E.-J. Lee, S. Kropp, H.B. Mosler)

Dan Wu

Postdoctoral Researcher, The Institute of International Affairs, Chinese University of Hong Kong

CENTRAL–PROVINCIAL POLITICS AND INDUSTRIAL POLICY-MAKING IN THE ELECTRIC POWER SECTOR IN CHINA (Committee: Miranda A. Schreurs, Genia Kostka, Cilja Harders, Sabine Kropp and Maria Rosaria Di Nucci)

Weijing Xing

Alumnus June 23

Internal Politics, Great Powers’ Intervention and EU-Japan Security Cooperation (Committee: Blechinger-Talcott, Habich-Sobiegalla, Heinrich, Zachmann, Wadhwha)

Kyong Yong Francis Yoon

Postdoctoral Researcher at In-EAST, University of Duisburg-Essen

High Skilled Workers as Core Human Resources in the Korean Gaming Industry(Committee: Gregory Jackson, Eun-Jeung Lee, Barbara Fritz, Jörg Sydow)

Giulia Zennaro

Project Officer National and International Projects on Sustainable Urban Regeneration, City of Venice

Change in the Institutional Field: Private Art Museums in China, 2005-2014 (Dissertation Committee: Gregory Jackson, Elena Meyer-Clement, Anja Kirsch)

Ganyi Zhang

Political and economic Analyst at GEODIS

Trust, commitment and the incomplete agreement - a comparative case study on the 1964 PRC-France normalization and the 1970 PRC-Canada normalization (Thesis Committee: Tanja Börzel, Klaus Mühlhahn)

Shuxuan Zhou

Policy Analyst - Seattle Office of Labor Standards

GEAS Postdoc 2017-2019

Yi Zhu

Research Associate Heidelberg University (Echowall) 2018-

Shaping (online) public sphere in an authoritarian society? – How Chinese actors pushed the abolishment of the “reeducation through labor (Laojiao)”- system (Committee: Bettina Gransow, Carola Richter, Barbara Pfetsch, Michael Emmer, Anna Litvinenko)

Yifei Zhu

Research Fellow, ISDP Stockholm

Post-developmental state across the Taiwan Strait : an institutionalist explanation of Taiwan's liberal-oriented economic policy toward China between 1990 and 2016 (Committee:Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla, Gunter Schubert, Tanja Börzel, Tobias Berger, Binder

Marina Zucker Marques

Postdoctoral Resarcher, Department of Economics, SOAS

The Chinese Strategy of Renminbi Internationalization (Committee: Barbara Fritz, Laike Yang, Gregory Jackson, Theocharis Grigoriadis, Melike Döver)