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Elizabeth Noble

PhD in Japanese Studies August 2023

Research Fellow, Høgskolen i Østfold, Norway

Different Lenses? Women in Contemporary Japanese Photography (Committee: Matthias Zachmann, Chris Perkins, Verena Blechinger-Talcott, Cornelia Reiher, Tarik Mérida-Geber)


Elizabeth joined the Graduate School of East Asian Studies in October 2017. Her PhD research explores the relationship between cultural production and social change in Japan. In particular, she is focusing on the rise of young Japanese female photographers during the 1990s, and their interactions with wider social and economic changes during this period.

Elizabeth completed both her undergraduate (M.A. Japanese) and master's (MScR Japanese) degrees at the University of Edinburgh. Her master's thesis examined the relationship between art exhibitions and political struggles for democracy in early postwar Japan. For her research master's she was the holder of a Sasakawa Japanese Studies Postgraduate Studentship

Research interests - Politics, art, production of culture, gender studies