Steve Entrich

Research Professor Potsdam University
GEAS PostDoc 2018-2019
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam
10.2010 – 12.2016 |
Ph.D. in Educational Sociology, University of Potsdam (DE) [grade: summa cum laude] Title of Doctoral Thesis: “Shadow Education in Japan: An Instrument to Neutralize Disadvantaged Family Background?” Advisors: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lauterbach (University of Potsdam) & Prof. Dr. Julian Dierkes (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA) |
10.2011 – 09.2012 |
Studies in Japanese Language, Humboldt University Berlin (DE) |
10.2004 – 03.2010 |
Magister Artium (equivalent to BA plus MA) in History and Educational Sciences, University of Potsdam (DE) [grade: 1.7] Title of Magister Thesis: “Joseph C. Trainor und der amerikanische Einfluss auf das japanische Bildungswesen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg 1945-1949.” Advisors: Prof. Dr. Manfred Görtemaker & Dr. Stefan Creuzberger |
10.2008 – 02.2009 |
Studies in Chinese language, University of Potsdam (DE) |
11.2007 – 09.2011 |
Studies in Japanese language, Berlin-Brandenburgische Auslandsgesellschaft e.V. (BBAG) (DE) |
04.2005 – 08.2006 |
Studies in Latin language, University of Potsdam (DE) |
06.2003 |
Abitur, Johann-Wolfgang-von-Goethe-Gymnasium, Pritzwalk (DE) |
since 02.2018 |
Free University Berlin (DE) Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the Project “Education and Inequality: A Comparative study between the East Asian Countries Japan, Korea, and China and European Countries”, Graduate School for East Asian Studies, Division for Japanese Studies (Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott) |
04.2013 – 01.2018 |
University of Potsdam (DE) Research Assistant and Lecturer, Department of Education Division for Social Scientific Educational Research (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lauterbach, 04.2013–01.2018), Division for Quantitative Methods in Educational Sciences (Prof. Dr. Stephan Mücke/Prof. Dr. Martin Brunner, 10.2015–09.2017), Division for Empirical Teaching and Intervention Research (Prof. Dr. Miriam Vock, 10.2017–01.2018) |
03.2013 – 09.2013 |
Scholarship Fellow, German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo (JP) |
10.2012 – 03.2013 |
Visiting Graduate Student, Dōshisha University, Kyoto (JP) Department of Sociology (Prof. Dr. Fumiaki Ojima) |
08.2010 – 09.2012 |
University of Potsdam (DE) Webmaster, Scheduler of Courses, and Lecturer, Department of Education (Prof. Dr. Agi Schründer-Lenzen/Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Flitner) |
12.2008 |
European Advisory Group GmbH (EAG), Berlin (DE) Student Assistant (Prof. Dr. Margarita Mathiopoulos) |
06.2008 – 07.2008 |
Children and Youth Recreation Centre KiEZ Frauensee, Bestensee (DE) Youth Leader |
11.2007 – 03.2010 |
University of Potsdam (DE) Student Assistant, Department for Education, Division for Social Educational Research (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lauterbach) |
07.2018 |
Travel Grant for Toronto (CA), German Student Exchange Service (DAAD) |
11.2017 |
Travel Grant for Vienna (AT), German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF) |
06.2017 |
Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation 2016, University of Potsdam |
06.2017 |
Travel Grant for Kyoto (JP), German Student Exchange Service (DAAD) |
03.2016 |
Travel Grant for Atlanta (US), German Student Exchange Service (DAAD) |
03.13 – 09.2013 |
Scholarship for Tokyo (JP), German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ) |
10.2012 – 03.2013 |
Research Fellowship for Kyoto (JP), Dōshisha University |
Memberships | Berlin Interdisciplinary Research Network (BIEN)
Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft Berlin e.V. (DJG Berlin) Hyōgo High School Students (HHSS) Survey 2011 Work Group International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 28 (RC28: Social Stratification and Mobility) Japan Comparative Education Society (日本比較教育学会, JCES) Pathways from Late Childhood to Adulthood (LifE) Survey 2012 Work Group German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF, “Education” and “Sociology” groups) |
Functions | 12.2013 – 09.2016: Vice Speaker Department of Education, Uni Potsdam (DE)
10.2013 – 12.2015: Coordinator of the BIEN Network, Uni Potsdam (DE) 10.2011 – 09.2012: Supervisor of computer pool, Uni Potsdam (DE) 01.2011 – 12.2017: Advisor in examination and study commission boards at the Faculty of Human Sciences, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
Organization | 11.2018: Project Roundtable. Free University Berlin (DE)
09.2018: Expert Workshop. Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo (JP) 09.2018: GEAS Summer School 2018, University of Tokyo (JP) 08.2018: Joint panel, Japanologentag 2018, Free University Berlin (DE) 03.2017: Joint panel, GEBF 2017, University of Heidelberg (DE) 03.2017: Joint panel, CIES 2017, Atlanta, GA (US) 10.2016: Joint panel, SLLS 2016, University of Bamberg (DE) 08.2016: Joint panel, WCCES 2016, Beijing Normal University (CN) 04.2016: Joint panel, LifE-Tagung 2016, Bildungsforum Potsdam (DE) 08.2016: Joint panel, WCCES 2016, Beijing Normal University (CN) 03.2016: Joint panel, CIES 2016, Vancouver (CA) 09.2015: Joint panel, BIEN 2015, DIW Berlin (DE) 01.2015 – 10.2016: PhD Colloquium, Uni Potsdam (DE) 09.2011 – 03.2012: Tutorial courses BA study program, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
Media Outreach | 01.2018: "Bildung - quo vadis? Studie zur Nachhilfe in Japan wirft Licht auf Bildungssystem und seine Entwicklung in Deutschland".
Newsfeed-Interview, Pressemitteilung des Bundesverbandes für Nachhilfe und Nachmittagsschulen (VNN). 01.2018: "Was nützt Nachhilfe?" Radio-Interview, rbb Kulturradio. 11.2017: "Wie sinnvoll ist Nachhilfe?" Radio-Interview, WDR5 - Leonardo. 07.2017: "Das Geschäft mit dem Misserfolg: Mit Nachhilfe zum Schulabschluss" Radio-Interview, WDR5 - Dok5. 07.2017: "Die Schule im Schatten: Was Nachhilfe in Japan und anderswo leisten kann – und was nicht." Magazine-Interview, PortalWissen 2/2017. 10.2013: "Raus aus der Komfortzone" Newspaper-Interview, Süddeutsche Zeitung. |
Reviewer for |
Asia Pacific Journal of Education (APJE) Bildungsforschung (BF) Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) Candlin & Mynard ePublishing Comparative Education Review (CER) Contemporary Japan (CJ) International Journal of Educational Development (EDEV) International Journal for Research on Extended Education (IJREE) Japan Jahrbuch (JJB) Pacific Affairs (PA) Sociology of Education (SoE) Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation (ZSE) |
Software experience |
Quantitative data analysis programs (SPSS/Stata/WesVar/MPlus/AMOS); qualitative data analysis programs (MAXQDA); Word-processing programs (Office; Endnote); web-programs (typo3); online learning platforms (moodle) |
Experience with statistical methods |
Descriptive analyses of all sorts; linear regression analyses (OLS; plausible values etc.); logistic regression analyses (bivariate, multinomial, etc.); structural equation modelling; path model analyses; qualitative content analyses; and others.
Experience with statistical methods |
Descriptive analyses of all sorts; linear regression analyses (OLS; plausible values etc.); logistic regression analyses (bivariate, multinomial, etc.); structural equation modelling; path model analyses; qualitative content analyses; and others. |
Experience with German datasets |
Lebensverläufe ins frühe Erwachsenenalter (LifE) 2002/2012; German Socio-economic Panel Study (SOEP) |
Experience with Japanese datasets |
Hyōgo High School Students (HHSS) survey (Kōkōsei no shinro to seikatsu ni kansuru chōsa) 1997/2011; Juku Student and Teacher Survey (JSTS) 2013; Benesse Gakkōgaikyōiku katsudō ni kansuru Chōsa 2013; Social Stratification and Mobility Survey (SSM) 2005 |
Experience with International datasets |
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000/2003/2006/2009/2012/2015 |
German | native Speaker |
English | fluent |
Japanese | (almost) fluent |
French | good |
Chinese | basic knowledge |
Latin | basic knowledge |
PhD level |
Since 04.2018: Post-doctoral advisor in the GEAS PhD Summer Colloquium, Free University Berlin Since 03.2018: Supervision of one PhD student, University of Potsdam 09.2017-02.2018: Member of the examination board for a PhD dissertation, University of Potsdam Since 01.2017: Post-doctoral advisor in the Potsdam Social Science Educational Research PhD-colloquium, University of Potsdam |
Post- graduate level |
09.2017-06.2018: Supervision of two graduate students who collected and edited macro-data in preparation of the Educational Upgrading Project. 2017: Supervision of joint diploma project to achieve MBA in Leadership at Kazakh British Technical University, KBTU Business School, Kazakhstan Since 2014: Supervision of 11 Master/Magister theses at the Department of Education, Uni Potsdam Winter 2017/18: MA Seminars: “International educational expansion – Persisting inequalities in the schooled society?” (Education, Sociology), “Accompanying seminar for practical semester” (Teaching Profession) Summer 2017: MA Seminars: “International educational expansion – Persisting inequalities in the schooled society? (Education, Sociology), “Einführung in lineare und logistische Regressionsanalysen mit SPSS und WesVar basierend auf Daten der PISA-Studie” (Education, Sociology) Winter 2016/17: MA, BA Exam colloqiua: “Forschungs- und Examenskolloquium in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Bildungsforschung” (Education, Sociology, Teaching Profession); MA Seminar: “Einführung in lineare und logistische Regressionsanalysen mit SPSS und WesVar basierend auf Daten der PISA-Studie” (Education, Sociology) Summer 2016: MA Seminars: “Einführung in lineare und logistische Regressionsanalysen mit SPSS und WesVar basierend auf Daten der PISA-Studie” (Education, Sociology), “Accompanying seminar for practical semester” (Teaching Profession) Winter 2015/16: MA, BA Exam colloqiua: “Forschungs- und Examenskolloquium in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Bildungsforschung” (Education, Sociology, Teaching Profession); MA Seminar: “Einführung in lineare und logistische Regressionsanalysen mit SPSS und WesVar basierend auf Daten der PISA-Studie” (Education, Sociology) Summer 2015: MA Seminar: “Der PISA-Schock und seine Wirkung auf die internationale Bildungslandschaft - Global Governance und Bildungsreformen” (Education, Sociology) Summer 2014: MA Seminar: “Nach PISA: Bildungspolitik und -Bildungsreformen im "Global Governance"-Zeitalter” (Education, Sociology) Winter 2013/14: MA Seminar: “Nach PISA: Bildungsreformen und ihre Wirkung auf den Schulalltag” (Education, Sociology) |
Under- graduate level |
Since 2013: Supervision of 11 BA theses at the Department of Education, Uni Potsdam Winter 2016/17: BA Seminars: “Nicht-intendierte Folgen internationaler Bildungsexpansion: Zunahme sozialer Ungleichheiten durch private außerschulische Bildungsinvestitionen?” (Education; Sociology); “Comparative Education. What can we learn from the study of foreign systems of education?” (Education, Sociology, international course program) Summer 2016: BA Seminar: “Comparative Education. What can we learn from the study of foreign systems of education?” (Education, Sociology, international course program) Winter 2015/16: BA Seminar: “Comparative Education. What can we learn from the study of foreign systems of education?” (Education, Sociology, international course program) Summer 2015: BA Seminar: “International Shadow Education - Zunahme sozialer Ungleichheit durch außerschulische Bildungsinvestitionen?” (Education, Sociology) Winter 2014/15: BA Seminar: “International Shadow Education - Außerschulische Bildung als Antwort auf gestiegene elterliche Bildungsaspirationen oder schulisches "Versagen"?” (Education, Sociology) Winter 2013/14: BA Seminar: “International Shadow Education - Außerschulische Bildung als Antwort auf gestiegene elterliche Bildungsaspirationen oder schulisches "Versagen"?” (Bachelor in Education; Bachelor in Sociology) Summer 2013: BA Seminar: “Shadow Education - Außerschulische Bildung als Antwort auf gestiegene elterliche Bildungsaspirationen oder schulisches "Versagen"? Eine internationale Perspektive” (Education, Sociology) Summer 2012: BA Colloquia: “Japanisch-AG Potsdam” (Japanese language training) Winter 2011/12: Supervision of tutors teaching in the introductory phase of the BA study program in education, University of Potsdam; BA Seminar: “Brennpunktschulen im Fokus - Warum entstehen Sie und was kann man dagegen tun?” (Education, Sociology) |
2018 | [single author] Shadow Education and Social Inequalities in Japan: Evolving Patterns and Conceptual Implications. Springer International Publishing. |
2016 | [single author] Shadow Education in Japan: An Instrument to Neutralize Disadvantaged Family Background? The Second Schooling System’s Contributions to Educational Opportunities. Doctoral Dissertation: University of Potsdam. |
2011 | [single author] Die Grundlegung des modernen japanischen Bildungssystems - Joseph C. Trainor und die amerikanischen Bildungsreformen in Japan nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg [The Foundation of the Modern Japanese Education System - The American Education Reforms following World War II]. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag. |
Journal Articles (peer reviewed)
2019 | [first author, with Wolfgang Lauterbach] “Shadow Education in Germany: Compensatory or Status Attainment Strategy? Findings from the German LifE Study”. International Journal of Research on Extended Education, forthcoming. |
2019 | [single author] More individual choice? Students’ share in decision-making at the transition to high school in Japan (1995-2009). Asia Pacific Journal of Education 39(2019) |
2017 | [single author] Rìběn “yǐngzi jiàoyù” juécè de bèihòu: Yuán yú xuéshēng de xuǎnzé háishì láizì jiāzhǎng de yālì? [Behind shadow education decision-making in Japan: A student’s choice or parental pressure?]. Educational Science Research 28(5): 67-76. (in Chinese) |
2016 |
[single author] Zunehmende Bildungsungleichheiten in Japan? Der Einfluss von Unsicherheit auf Bildungsinvestitionen von den 1990ern bis heute [Increasing Educational Inequalities in Japan? The Impact of Insecurities on Educational Investments from the 1990s to today]. Japan Jahrbuch 39: 228-257. (in German) [single author] Der Bedarf nach mehr: Erklärungen für die Persistenz der Juku-Industrie [The Need for More: Explanations of the Persistence of the Juku-Industry]. Bildung und Erziehung 69(2): 155-174. (in German) |
2015 |
[single author] The Decision for Shadow Education in Japan: Students’ Choice or Parents’ Pressure? Social Science Japan Journal 18(2): 193-216. |
2014 |
[single author] Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan. Contemporary Japan 26(1): 71-102. [single author] German and Japanese Education in the Shadow - Do Out-of-school Lessons Really Contribute to Class Reproduction? IAFOR Journal of Education 2(2): 17-53. |
Book Sections
2019 | [single author] „Wer geht während der Schulzeit ins Ausland? Soziale Selektivität in der Akkumulation Transnationalen Humankapitals in Japan“. Japan Jahrbuch 42: forthcoming. |
2019 | [with Netz, Nicolai, Daniel Klasik, Steve R. Entrich & Michelle Barker] “Socio-demographics and studying abroad: A global overview”. In: Anthony C. Ogden, Bernhard Streitwieser & Christof Van Mol (eds.), Education Abroad: Bridging Scholarship and Practice. Routledge, Internationalization in Higher Education: forthcoming. |
2018 | [second author, with Hirofumi Taki] Daigaku nyūshi no tayō-ka to gakkō-gai kyōiku riyō [Diversification of university entrance examinations and use of out-of-school education in Japan]. In: Fumiaki Ojima & Sohei Aramaki (eds.), Kōkōsei-tachi no yukue - gakkō paneru chōsa kara mita shinro to seikatsu no 30-nen [High school students' pathways - 30 years of life course and school life trajectories as seen from a school panel survey]. Tokyo: Sekai Shisō-sha: 142-159. (in Japanese) |
2017 | [first author, with Yoko Yamato] Nihon no juku kyōiku: Juku kenkyū no hitsuyō-sei [Japan’s Juku: Why Academics Should Care (More)!] In: Chiba Juku Association (ed.), Setsuritsu san jū-shūnen kinen-shi [Chiba Juku Association 30th anniversary commemorative book]. Yachiyo publishing: 14-24. (in Japanese&English) |
2013 | [single author] Causes and Effects of Investments in Shadow Education in Japan - A Comparative Point of View. In: Fumiaki Ojima & Sohei Aramaki (eds.), Gendai kōkōsei no shinro to seikatsu [Career and life of high school students today]. Kyoto: Doshisha Publishing: 157-182. |
Conference Proceedings
2017 | [single author] Taking the risk: The impact of educational reforms on educational decision-making in Germany and Japan. In: Kobayashi, M., Trommsdorff, G., & Hommerich, C. (in prep.), Trust and risks in changing societies: Proceedings of the 13th meeting of the German-Japanese Society for Social Sciences. |
2012 | [single author] German and Japanese Education in the Shadow - Do Out-of-School Lessons really contribute to Class Reproduction? Asian Conference of Education (ACE) Conference Proceedings 4: 236-252. |
Online Articles
2013 | [single author] Juku - A Necessary Evil? Guest Post in: Jukupedia. |
2011 |
[single author] German Nachhilfe. Guest post in: Jukupedia. [single author] Juku-Flyer: Learning American English in Chinese Juku-Courses in Summer. Guest post in: Jukupedia. |
2013 |
[single author] Review of: Private Tutoring Across the Mediterranean - Power Dynamics and Implications for Learning and Equity. Edited by Mark Bray, André E. Mazawi, Ronald G. Sultana. Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2013. [single author] Review of: Education and Equal Opportunity in Japan. By Akito Okada. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2012. Pacific Affairs 86(2): 411-413. |
Other publications
2013 | [single author] Entrich, Steve R. (2013): Projektblitzlicht: Institutionalisierte Nachhilfe - ein vernachlässigtes Thema in der Bildungsforschung? [Project spotlight: Institutionalized private tutoring – a neglected topic in educational research?] Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 33(3): 321-327. (in German) |
2012 | [single author] "Shadow Education" in Deutschland und Japan - Eine Einführung in das Forschungsfeld. Potsdam: UP-Verlag. (in German) |
2009 | [single author] Ernst Krieck - Nationalsozialist aus Überzeugung? - Kriecks schriftstellerisches Werken auf dem Prüfstand. München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) |
2008 |
[single author] Chinas „Energie-Imperialismus“ in Afrika - Öl um jeden Preis? München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) [single author] Die Zukunft Deutschlands - Die Schaffung wirklicher Chancengleichheit? Befunde aus PISA auf dem Prüfstand. München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) [single author] Rechtsextremistische Jugendliche in der DDR. Reproduzierung faschistischer Denk- und Handlungsmuster in der DDR-Jugend. München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) [single author] Jugendgewalt als Resultat eines kulturspezifischen Leitbildes von Männlichkeit? Jugendgewalt in Deutschland und Japan im Vergleich. München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) [single author] Kulturspezifische Formen hegemonialer Männlichkeit - Untersuchungen zu den Leitbildern von Männlichkeit als Ursache von Gewalt und Kriminalität in Australien und Japan. München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) [single author] Kriegserziehung und soziale Lage der Kinder im Ersten Weltkrieg. Kriegspropaganda und Wehrhaftmachung. München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) |
2007 |
[single author] Die Augusteische Flottenpolitik. Die Herausbildung stehender Flotten zu augusteischer Zeit am Beispiel der classis Germanica. München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) [single author] Die amerikanische Außenpolitik als Antwort auf Japans Aggression gegenüber China (1928-1941) - Der Weg in einen unvermeidlichen Krieg zwischen den USA und Japan? München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) [single author] Nationalsozialistische Erziehung in der Schule - NS-Ausleseschulen als Nachfolger früherer Landerziehungsheime? München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) |
2006 | [single author] Die Amerikanische Revolution - Eigenverschulden Großbritanniens? München: GRIN Verlag Gmbh. (in German) |
08.2019 | "Shadow Education and Social Inequality in Japan". Invited Talk at the Center for Research on Education and School Development (IFS), Technical University Dortmund (DE) |
04.2019 | Organizer and Chair of panel The Consequences of Educational Upgrading: Persisting Inequalities? with two presentations: "Consequences of Educational Upgrading: The Emergence, Expansion and Universalization of Shadow Education Worldwide" and "The schooled population: Intended and unintended consequences of educational upgrading in modern societies on the reproduction of social inequalities" (with Wolfgang Lauterbach). The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2019 Annual Conference, San Francisco (US) |
11.2018 | “Consequences of Educational Upgrading in Modern Societies: Project Outline.” Educational Upgrading Project Roundtable. Free University Berlin (DE) |
11.2018 | “Consequences of Educational Upgrading in Modern Societies: The Emergence, Expansion and Universalization of Shadow Education Worldwide.” Invited Talk related to the Educational Upgrading Project at the Forschungskolloquium Empirische Sozialforschung, University of Konstanz (DE) |
10.2018 | “What a PhD is all about? Planning your PhD” Annual GEAS Start-off Conference, FU Berlin (DE) |
09.2018 | “Consequences of Educational Upgrading in Modern Societies: No Reduction of Inequalities?” Expert Meeting on the Educational Upgrading Project. Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo (JP) |
09.2018 | “Measuring Institutional Change: Mixing Quantitative and Qualitative Methods to Understand Educational Change in Japan”, Workshop lecture, GEAS Summer School 2018, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo (JP) |
08.2018 | “Nicht-intendierte Konsequenzen der Bildungsexpansion in modernen Gesellschaften: Zunahme sozialer Ungleichheiten durch erhöhte Investitionen in Zusatzbildung in Japan?” 17. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Free University Berlin (DE) |
07.2018 | “Which Japanese Study Abroad? Concerning the Accumulation of Transnational Human Capital in Japan and Its Impact on Social Disparities.” XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto (CA) |
07.2018 | “Worldwide Shadow Schooling and its Impact on Social Inequality: A Quantitative Analysis across 63 Countries.” XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto (CA) |
06.2018 | “More Individual Choice? Students’ Share in Educational Decision-Making at the Transition to High School in Japan (1995-2009).” GEAS Open Colloquium, Free University Berlin (DE) |
11.2017 | “Consequences of Educational Upgrading in Modern Societies on the Reproduction of Social Inequalities: Increasing Supplementary Education Investments in Japan?” Society for Social Scientific Research on Japan (VSJF) Annual Conference, University of Vienna (AT) |
09.2017 | “Worldwide Shadow Education: Its Prevalence and General Implications for Social Inequalities in 53 Countries.” PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
07.2017 | “Just Who Decides? Educational Decision-making at the Transition to High School in Japan.” PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
07.2017 | “Shadow Education as an Instrument of Social Closure? Contradicting Findings from the German LifE Study. PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
06.2017 | “Japanese Avoid Going Abroad? Concerning the Accumulation of Transnational Human Capital in Japan and its Impact on Social Disparities.” The 8th Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (ACSS) 2017, Kobe Art Center (JP) |
03.2017 | Session Chair for the panel “Conditions and Effects of Private Tutoring”, Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) 5th Annual Conference, University of Heidelberg (DE) |
03.2017 | “Shadow Education as an Instrument of Social Closure? Contradicting Findings from the German LifE Study.” Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) 5th Annual Conference, University of Heidelberg (DE) |
03.2017 | “The schooled population: Intended and unintended consequences of educational up-grading in modern societies on the reproduction of social inequalities.” With Wolfgang Lauterbach. The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2017 Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (US) |
03.2017 | “Explaining the Persistence of Shadow Education in East Asia: The Case of Japan.” The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2017 Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (US) |
10.2016 | “Inevitable Increase in Educational Inequality through Shadow Education?” Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (SLLS) Annual Conference, University of Bamberg (DE) |
08.2016 | “Increasing Educational Inequalities in Japan? The Impact of Insecurity on Educational Choices from the 1990s onwards.” XVI World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), Beijing Normal University (CN) |
04.2016 | “Social inequality through shadow education? Contrasting findings from the LifE-study.” LifE-Tagung 2016, Bildungsforum Potsdam (DE) |
03.2016 | “Shadow education in Germany: Inevitable increase of social inequality or contribution to equal educational opportunities? Findings from the LifE Study.” The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2016 Annual Conference, Vancouver (CA) |
03.2016 | “Educational mobility, aspirations and students competences in different grades of tracking systems - the case of Germany.” With Wolfgang Lauterbach. The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2016 Annual Conference, Vancouver (CA) |
03.2016 | Session chair for the panel “Factors Underlying the Demand for Private Supplementary Tutoring”, The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2016 Annual Conference, Vancouver (CA) |
03.2016 | “Explaining the Persistence of Supplementary Education in East Asia: The Case of Japan.” Invited Talk at the Centre for Japanese Research Lunchtime Talks. University of British Columbia, Vancouver (CA) |
10.2015 | “Japanese Education in an Era of Change: How Japan’s Second Schooling System responds to Change.” Asian Conference of Education, Art Center of Kobe (JP) |
10.2015 | “Taking the risk: The impact of educational reforms on educational decision-making in Germany and Japan.” 13th Meeting of the German-Japanese Society for Social Sciences (GJSSS), DIJ (German Institute for Japanese Studies), Tokyo (JP) |
10.2015 | “Effects of Shadow Education. Achieving Educational Goals - Who Benefits from Investments in Shadow Education?” PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
09.2015 | Session chair for the panel "School", Berlin Interdisciplinary Education Research Network (BIEN) Annual Conference, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Berlin (DE) |
09.2015 | “Access to Shadow Education: Who Decides to Invest in Shadow Education?” PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
07.2015 | “Taking the risk: The impact of educational reforms on educational decision-making in Germany and Japan.” PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
04.2015 | “Changing the course: Why shadow education remains strong in Japan.” PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
06.2014 | “Japan’s Second Schooling System: Diversity in Supply as a Guarantor for Equality of Opportunities in Education?” Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, Osaka International Conference Center (JP) |
11.2013 | “The Transition from Middle to High School in Japan: The Impact of Students’ Educational Aspirations on School Choice and Shadow Education Investment.” 2nd International Conference on Transitions in Youth and Young Adulthood (TREE), University of Basel (CE) |
11.2013 | “Students’ Influence on Educational Decision-Making at the Transition to High School in Japan.” Society for Social Scientific Research on Japan (VSJF) Annual Conference, JDZB (Japanese German Center Berlin), Berlin (DE) |
09.2013 | “Shadow Education in Japan: the Juku-Phenomenon.” German Institute for Japanese Studies, DIJ Social Science Study Group, Tokyo (JP) |
06.2013 | “The Main Causes for High Investments in Shadow Education in Japan: How Students’ Educational Aspirations Outweigh Their Family Background.” World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), University of Buenos Aires (AR) |
04.2013 | “Außerschulische Bildung in Japan - das Juku-Phänomen.” PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, University of Potsdam (DE) |
03.2013 | “Causes and Effects of Investments in Shadow Education in Japan - A Comparative Point of View.” Meeting of the Academic Workgroup of the 2011 Hyogo High School Students’ Survey, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (JP) |
01.2013 | “Education in the Shadow - Japanese Out-of-School Education from a German Point of View. Results from PISA 2009, HHSS 2011 and first JSTS 2013 Insights.” Social Studies PhD-Colloquium, Doshisha University, Kyoto (JP) |
12.2012 | “Shadow Education and Academic Achievement in Japan – Findings from the 2011 Hyogo High School Students Survey.” Meeting of the Academic Workgroup of the 2011 Hyogo High School Students’ Survey, University of Tokyo (JP) |
11.2012 | “Shadow Education in Germany and Japan - An Instrument to Neutralize Disadvantaged Family Background?” Social Studies PhD-Colloquium, Doshisha University, Kyoto (JP) |
10.2012 | “German and Japanese Education in the Shadow - Do Out-of-School Lessons really contribute to Class Reproduction?” Fourth Asian Conference on Education (ACE 2012), Osaka (JP) |
09.2012 | “Bildung im Schatten - Nachhilfe als Chance auf Bildungsausgleich für sozial Benachteiligte?” 77. Meeting of the Workgroup for Empirical Education (AEPF 2012), University of Bielefeld (DE) |
08.2012 | “Shadow Education in Germany and Japan - An Instrument to Neutralize Disadvantaged Family Background?” PhD-Kolloquium in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Bildungsforschung, Uni Potsdam. |
06.2012 | “Shadow Education in Germany and Japan - An Instrument to Neutralize Disadvantaged Family Background?” Poster-Presentation, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2012, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
10.2011 | “Shadow Education in Germany and Japan – A Comparative Study about the Influence of Private Tutoring Institutions towards the Educational Achievement of Students with different Socio-Economic Background.” PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
06.2011 | “Shadow Education in Deutschland und Japan. Eine Vergleichsuntersuchung des Einflusses privatwirtschaftlicher Bildungsinstitutionen auf den Bildungserfolg von Schülern unterschiedlicher sozialer Herkunft.” PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, Uni Potsdam (DE) |
01.2011 | “Bildung im Neuen Jahrtausend - Eine sozialwissenschaftlich vergleichende Analyse der Bildungssysteme der führenden Industrienationen USA, Japan und Deutschland.” PhD Colloquium on Social Science Educational Research, Uni Potsdam (DE) |