Dan Wu

Chinese Provinces and the Industrial Policy-making in China's Electric Power Sector
14195 Berlin
Dan Wu is a Ph.D. candidate in political science at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Before her candidacy, she worked as a research assistant for the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore. Her research interests include Chinese central-local relations, industrial policy making and state-business relations.
Mobility phase: January - August 2017
Wu, Dan (2014), “Competition and Partnership in the Solar Photovoltaic Industry between China and the European Union”, East Asian Policy, Vol.6, No.3, Jul.-Sep. 2014.
Fook, Lye Liang and Wu, Dan (2013), “The Growing Anti-Japanese Nationalistic Sentiments in China”, East Asian Policy, Vol.5, No.4, Oct.-Dec. 2013.
Wu, Dan (2014), “China’s Trade and Investment Relations with the European Union” in Zheng Yongnian and Gore Lance Liangping (eds.), China Entering the Xi Jinping Era, London: Routledge.
Zheng, Yongnian and Wu, Dan 2014), “Wang Gungwu and the Study of International Relations” in Niv Horesh and Emilian Kavalski (eds.), Asian Thought on China's Changing International Relations, Hampshire: Palgrave.
The Centralization and Decentralization Paradox in China's Electricity Sector Reform, 31st Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Association of Chinese Political Studies (ACPS), Harrisonburg, VA, United States (September 2018).
A Tale of Three Sons, Fragmented Authoritarianism and Nuclear Technology Development in China, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference 2017, University of Oslo, Norway (September 2017).