Corey Wallace

Assistant Professor Kanagawa University
Einstein Postdoc 2015-2019
Corey Wallace received his PhD from the University of Auckland in 2015. He previously graduated from the University of Canterbury in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours) and a Master of Arts (Distinction) in Political Science. He also has a Graduate Diploma in Japanese Studies. Corey has also been an exchange researcher at Waseda University, a research fellow at Australian National University, and has experience interning in the House of Councillors with a Japanese member of parliament. Corey is a former JET program participant, and on returning to New Zealand he worked at the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology from 2007-2010 as a policy adviser in the innovation system policy team. Corey's also has extensive lecturing experience focused on the security and geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific region.
コオリー ウォレス
2005年 カンタベリー大学で学士号を優等学位で取得後、政治学修士号を取得。
2005年-2007年 ジェットプログラムに参加、日本の小中学生の英語教師となる。
2007年-2010年 ニュージーランド政府、研究・科学技術省のイノベーションシステム政策顧問。
2010年-2015年 オークランド大学で政治学博士号を取得。
2015年 早稲田大学交換研究員、オーストラリア国立大学研究員などを経て、ベルリン自由大学でアインシュタインプログラムの客員研究員として東アジアの研究を進めている。
Books/Edited Volumes
Japan Pivots to Asia (Volume 94, Number 4, International Affairs), Oxford University Press on behalf of Chatham House, July 2018, pp.703-909. Co-edited Special Issue of International Affairs with Richard J. Samuels.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
“Japan’s Strategic Contrast: Continuing Influence despite Relative Power Decline in Southeast Asia,” The Pacific Review, 2019.
“Introduction: Japan Pivots to Asia,” International Affairs, Volume 94, Number 4, 2018, pp.703-710. Co-authored with Richard J. Samuels.
“Explaining Japan’s Response to Geopolitical Vulnerability”, International Affairs, Volume 94, Number 4, 2018, pp.711-734. Co-authored with Shogo Suzuki.
“Leaving (Northeast) Asia? Japan’s southern strategy”, International Affairs, Volume 94, Number 4, 2018, pp.883-904.
“Japan’s New Southern Strategy,” Canadian Naval Review, Volume 9, Number 4, 2014, pp.9-14.
“Japan’s Strategic Pivot South: Diversifying the Dual Hedge,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Volume 13, Number 3, 2013, pp.479-517.
“Back to the Land of the Setting Sun? Identity and Japan’s ‘Return’ to East Asia,” Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 2, 2010, pp.57-68.
Book Chapters
“Dealing with a Proactive Japan: Reconsidering Japan’s Role and Value for New Zealand’s Foreign Policy”, in Anne-Marie Brady (ed.), NZ Faces the Future: Small States and the Changing Global Order. Forthcoming in 2019 with Springer Publishing.
Other Publications
“Japón hacia la década del 2020 con Abe: ¿momento decisivo, firme gradualismo o suave declive?” (Japan heads into the 2020s with Abe: Turning Point, Tenacious Incrementalism, or Gentle Decline?) Vanguardia Dossier, December 2018, pp.6-15.
“Re-Rising Japan: Its Strategic Power in International Relations (Book Review)”, International Affairs Volume 94, Number 6, 2018, pp.1478-1479:
Regular contributor of short analyses (11 articles to date) to Australian National University’s East Asia Forum. Topics covered include Japanese elections, regional security, trade and economic issues. Access available here:
“¿Es 2018 El Año De La Reforma Constitucional En Japón?” (Is 2018 the Year of Constitutional Revision in Japan?) Anuario Internacional CIDOB 2018 (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) 2018 International Yearbook), August 2018, p.201.
“Global Africa: Spheres of Interaction: Africa–Japan–Europe (Conference Report)”, ASIEN: The German Journal on Contemporary Asia Number 144, July 2017, pp.158-159.
“Prospects for German-Japanese cooperation in Africa and Recommendations”, JDZB Website, March 6, 2017, pp.1-4:
“Global Africa: Spheres of Interaction: Africa–Japan–Europe”, JDZB Website (Full Conference Report), March 6, 2017, pp.1-6:
Geopolitical Urgency and Economic Liberalization in the Asia-Pacific, Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference Blog, May 22, 2013: