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Casting ancient nets: Chinese grid-style social management during the COVID-19 pandemic (Habich-Sobiegalla&Plümmer)

Jan 22, 2021 | 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Rainbow Boy (State of The Art)

Rainbow Boy (State of The Art)
Image Credit: Peter Trimming

GEAS Digital Lecture Series: East Asian Responses to Crisis

Programme (digital)


13:00 Uhr

Casting ancient nets: Chinese grid-style social management during the COVID-19 pandemic

Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla (Freie Universität Berlin) and Franziska Plümmer (University of Vienna)

Please register and join the event here.

Freie Universität Berlin uses the video conferencing system Webex from Cisco. It is not necessary to install any software on a desktop PC via any browser. For mobile devices, the app Webex Meet is recommended. You may need a microphone on your end device (Smartphone, Tablet, Notebook, PC) to ask questions.
The video sessions shall not be recorded.

  •     Using the camera is neither necessary nor possible.
  •     If you want to ask questions after the talk, you can use the digital hand signal  - your microphone can be unmuted by the host* as long as your hand is up.
  •     Questions and comments can also be asked in the Q&A area of the event.