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Anna Belogurova

Associated Postdoc (DFG Eigene Stelle)

GEAS POINT Fellow 2014-2016



Fabeckstraße 23-25
Raum Raum -1.1103
14195 Berlin

PhD (University of British Columbia, 2012)

MA (Chengchi University, Taiwan, 2003)

BA (Moscow State University, 1998)

Held research & teaching positions at

  • University of Göttingen (InterAsia Fellow, SSRC Global Summer Semester Residency, 2017)
  • Freie Universität Berlin (POINT postdoctoral fellow, Dahlem Research School, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, 2015 - 2017)
  • Brown University (Visiting Assistant Professor, 2014 - 2015)
  • University of Oregon (Adjunct Instructor, 2013 - 2014 )
  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Postdoctoral fellow, 2012 - 2013)
  • Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (Sessional Lecturer, Summer 2011, Winter 2012)

Current project

“The World of Socialist Coal: Technology, Economy, and Environment in China in the context of the cooperation with the Eastern Bloc (1945-1991)” individual research grant, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (2018-2021)

Based on Russian and Chinese sources (among others), this historical project looks at how the environmental and social setting at the local level shaped and were shaped by the national and international politics of People’s Republic of China and in the Eastern Bloc in the coal industry and trade.


Other current projects

  • “The Prewar Philippine Communist Movement (1920-1942)”, under revision. Contribution to the conference volume of “The Asian Arc of the Russian Revolution: Setting the East Ablaze?” (Yale-National University of Singapore College, 16-17 November 2017): http://blog.nus.edu.sg/eastablaze/


  • Belogurova, A., 2019. The Nanyang Revolution : the Comintern and Chinese Networks in Southeast Asia, 1890–1957., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 263 pp.
  • Guo Jie (Konstantin M. Tertitski), Bai Anna (Anna Belogurova), translated by Li Suian, Chen Jinsheng, edited by Xu Xueji, Zhong Shumin. Taiwan gongchan zhuyi yundong yu gongchan guoji 1924-1932Yanjiu. Dang’an. [Taiwanese Communist Movement and the Comintern, 1924-1932. Research and Documents] Taiwan, Taibei: Zhongyang yanjiuyuan Taiwan shi yanjiusuo [Academia Sinica, the Department of the Taiwanese History], June 2010, 542 pp.
  • K.M. Tertitski, A.E. Belogurova, Taiwanskoye kommunisticheskoye dvizheniye i Komintern, 1924-1932 [Taiwanese Communist Movement and the Comintern, 1924-1932] Moscow: Vostok-Zapad, 2005, 623 pp.


Articles and Book Reviews

  • “The Malayan Communist Party, Internationalism, and Chinese Political Participation during the Cold War (1920s–1950s)”, in ed. Leslie James, E. Leake, Decolonization and the Cold War: Negotiating Independence, Bloomsbury Academic Press, New Approaches to International History, 2015, pp. 125-144.
  • “The Chinese International of Nationalities: the Chinese Communist Party, the Comintern, and the Foundation of the Malayan National Communist Party (1923-1939),” The Journal of Global History, 9.3 (November 2014), pp. 447-470.
  • “Communism in Southeast Asia,” in Oxford Handbook of Communism, edited by Stephen Anthony Smith, Oxford University Press (2014), pp. 236-251.
  • “The Civic World of International Communism: The Taiwanese Communists and the Comintern (1921-1931),” Modern Asian Studies, 46:6 (2012), pp. 1602-1632.
  • Review. The Chinese Communist Party and China’s Capitalist Revolution: The Political Impact of Market. Routledge Contemporary China Series, 61. By Lance L.P. Gore. New York; London: Routledge, 2013. Pacific Affairs, September 2014, 87:3, pp.571-573.
  • Review. Moscow and the Emergence of Communist Power in China, 1925-30: The Nanchang Uprising and the Birth of the Red Army. By Bruce A. Elleman. London and New York: Routledge, 2009. Pacific Affairs, Summer 2010: Volume 83, No.2, p. 380.
  • Review. Chinese Migrants and Internationalism: Forgotten histories, 1917-1945. By Gregor Benton. London and New York: Routledge, 2007. Pacific Affairs, Winter 2008: Volume 80, No. 4, pp. 666-668.
  • Review.Where Empires Collided: Russian and Soviet Relations with Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao. By Michael Share. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2007. Pacific Affairs, Summer 2007: Vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 356-357.
  • Programma yaponskoy administratsii po assimilyatsii naseleniya Tayvanya i ee realizatsiya (1937-1945)” [The Japanese administration policy of the assimilation of the Taiwan’s population and its implementation (1937-1945)], XXIX nauchnaya konferentsiya ‘Obschestvo i gosudarstvo v Kitaye’ [29 International Conference “Society and State in China”] Moscow, 1999, pp.124-129.
  • Mery yaponskoy administratsii po osuschestvleniyu ‘mobilizatsii’ na Tayvane (1937-1945)” [The Japanese administration “mobilization” policy in Taiwan (1937-1942)] in Tezisy dokladov IX Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii “Kitai, kitaiskaya tsiviliatsiya i mir. Istoriya, sovremennost, perspectivy” [IX International Conference “China, Chinese Civilization, and the World. History, Present, Perspectives.” Abstracts] Volume II, Moscow, 1998, pp. 65-69.
  • Politika yaponskoy administratsii na Tayvane (1895-1945)” (The Japanese administration policy in Taiwan (1895-1945), Problemy Dalnego Vostoka [Far Eastern Affairs] No.6 (1999) pp.96-104.


Other Publications

  • “An Evening Conversation with Yu Hua,” in St.John’s College Newsletter, Winter 2010, p.4.
  • “Bai’eluosi shehui zhuyi xianshi zhuyi” [Belarusian Socialist Realist Painters], Lishi wenwu yuekan [Historical Artifacts. Bulletin of the National Taiwan Museum of History] No.3 (2000), pp. 32-37.