Shuxuan Zhou

Seattle Government
Seattle Office for Civil Rights
GEAS Postdoc 2017-2019
Awards, Grants and Fellowships
- 2017 College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Medal, University of Washington
- 2017 Graduate School Distinguished Dissertation Award Nomination, University of Washington
- 2015 Doctoral Fellowship, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
- 2015 Society of Scholars, University of Washington Simpson Center for The Humanities
- 2015 China Studies Dissertation Fellowship, University of Washington
- 2015 Digital Humanity Fellowship, University of Washington Simpson Center for The Humanities
- 2013 Chester A. Fritz International Research Fellowship, University of Washington
- 2013 China and Inner Asia Council Small Grants, Association for Asian Studies
- 2013 China Studies Fieldwork Research Fellowship, University of Washington
- 2012 Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies Research Grants, University of Washington
- 2011 Department Service Award, Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies, University of Washington
- PhD in Feminist Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, 2017
- MA in Feminist Studies, University of Washingtion, Seattle, 2013
- BA in Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, 2009
- 2017 Motherhood and Work in America and Beyond
- 2017 Introduction to Women’s Studies
- 2016 Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process
Teaching Assistant
- 2017, 2015 Gender, Race, and Class
- 2016 Gender and Popular Culture
- 2015 Introduction to Transgender Studies
- 2014, 2013, 2012 Psychobiology of Women
- 2012 Women in International Economic Development
- 2012, 2011 Introduction to Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies
- 2011 Chinese Cinema History and Criticism (a study abroad program in Beijing)
China Studies, Gender and Development, Oral History, Cultural Anthropology, Socialist and Post-
Socialist Studies, Social Movements, Environmental Studies, Digital Humanities, Asian American
Studies, Documentary Studies
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
“Suku and Self-Valorization of Chinese Women Workers: Before, During, and After the Enterprise Privatization.” Frontiers of History in China, volume 10, issue 1, pp. 145-167.
- “The Impacts of Transformation of Work Unit on Women: a Case Study of a Former State-owned Enterprise in Northern Fujian.” China Collective Economy, volume 22, pp. 199-200.
“Chinese Rural Women’s Microfinance Program Research and Policy Suggestions.” Decision & Information, volume 6, pp. 176-177.
Book Chapter
2018: “We Planted All These Trees Decades Ago: Elder Activism against Devaluing Women’s Labor.” In G. Wu, Y. Feng and H. Lansdowne, ed., Gender Dynamics, Feminist Activism and Social Transformation in China. London: Routledge, pp. 69-86.
Conference Proceedings
- “Glocalization: LGBT, Queer, or Tongzhi? A Review Essay on Mainland Tongzhi Movement Research.” The Third China Sexuality Studies Conference Collection.
Panels and Roundtables Organized
- “Possibilities and Limitations of Empathy and Vulnerability for International Solidarity/Transnational Activism,” Third International Marxist-Feminist Conference, Lund, Sweden, October 5-7, 2018.
“Gendering Primitive Accumulation in the People’s Republic of China,” Towards a Global History of Primitive Accumulation Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 9-11, 2019.
“Struggling at the Birth of Motherhood: A Comparison of Feminist Debates about Childbirth in China and U.S.,” Association for Asian Studies Conference, Denver, USA, March 21-24, 2019.
- “Political is Personal: Oral History Studies and 1950s China,” Rethinking 1950s China – New Approaches, New Materials, and New Challenges Conference, Hannover, Germany, October 10th - 12th, 2018.
- “Performing Immigrants and Suspended Citizenship: Chinese American Activism Between Left and Right,” Suspension: Mobilities, Aspirations, and Socio-Political Stagnation in China Symposium, Oxford, UK, September 17th - 18th, 2018.
- “Subaltern Lifeworlds in China,” Poetics of Subaltern Life-Worlds: New Research, New Imaginaries of Informal Economies in Contemporary India Symposium, Seattle, USA, December 1st - 2nd, 2017.
- “Caring for The Community amidst #Asians4BlackLives,” National Women’s Studies Association Conference, Baltimore, USA, November 16th - 19th, 2017.
- “Speaking Bitterness as Resistance: Gendered Narrative Performance of Chinese Forestry Workers,” Engendering Social Transformation in China: Gender Dynamics, Women’s Rights and Feminist Activism Symposium, Victoria, Canada, April 7th - 8th, 2017.