Hak-Jae Kim

Seoul National University, IPUS
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor SNU
Historical Sociology (GEAS Postdoc 2013-16)
7/2008-7/2011 | Research assistant, "Reinterpreting the Korean War with Documents of US Military", Korean Research Foundation |
3/2008-12/2008 |
Lecturer, Chung-nam National University
Lecturer, Seoul National University |
08/2009-8/2011 | Lecturer, Seoul National University of Technology |
6/2011-7/2013 | Research Associate, "Korea and East Asia in Global History, 1840-2000", FMI, FU Berlin |
8/2013-present | PostDoc, Graduate School of East Asian Studies (FU) |
04/2014-07/2014 |
Lecturer in Free University Berlin, “Introduction to Modern Korean Society” |
10/2014-2016 |
Lecturer in Free University Berlin, “International institutions and Korean Society” |
09/2016- |
Assistant Professor at Seoul National University, Insitute for Peace and Unification Studies |
- Social policy diffusion studies, East Asian welfare states
- Comparative constitution studies (Germany, Japan, Korea)
- Historical sociology on the War and nation building
- The Global History of the Cold War(the Korean War)
Scholarly Publications
A. English Publication
Journal Article
Kim H.J (2016). "Fatal affinity of Sonderweg revisited: The cross-regional resonance of the Bismarckian system with Japan and Korea (1871-1987), Journal of Historical Sociology. (under review: SSCI)
Kim H.J (2016) “The Origins, Changes and Present of the Panmunjom Regime: a precarious border of Peace”, The Pacific Review (under review: SSCI)
Kim H.J (2015). "On the contestation between different legal traditions: Socio-economic rights in Korean Constitutions (1948-1987) ". The Discourse 201[담론 201], 18(2): 5-41.
Edited Volume and Book Chapter
Kim H.J (2016) “A Korean Sozialstaat? From Bismarckian Origin to dualization", in ed. Quality of Democracy in Korea: 30 years after democratization, Routledge. (Forthcoming)
Kim H.J (2016) “The Origins, Changes and Present of the Panmunjom Regime: a precarious border of Peace”, in ed. Cross-bodering, De-bodering the Division of Korea, (Forthcoming)
Kim H.J (2016) “The formation of social policy in Park Chunghee era and the developmental state”, in ed. Reinterpretation of Developmental State of Korea, Routledge. (Forthcoming)
Kim H.J (2015), ”Migrant Workers in Korean society”, in Brendan Howe (ed.) Democratic Governance in Northeast Asia - A Human-Centred Approach to Evaluating Democracy (UK: Palgrave Macmillan)
Conference Papers
Kim H.J (2015) “The Origin and Changes of the Panmunjom Regime: A precarious border of Peace”, paper presented at an international conference on the “From Confrontational Division to Cross-Bordering and De-bordering in Korea and Beyond” October 7-8, 2015, DMZ, Shinhan University and the Provincial Government of Gyeonggi
Kim H.J (2015) “The formation of social policy in Park Chunghee era and the developmental state”, paper presented at a research project workshop, Seogang University, Seoul, 28. August.
Kim H.J (2015) “On the contestation between different legal traditions - Socio-economic rights in Korean Constitutions (1948-1987)", paper presented at the AKSE at Bochum. 10-13. June
Kim H.J (2015) “A Korean Sozialstaat? From Bismarckian Origin to dualization", paper presented at the Workshop “Quality of Democracy in Korea: 30 years after democratization” at Freie Universität Berlin. 22-23. May
Kim H.J (2015) “On the contestation between different legal traditions - Socio-economic rights in Korean Constitutions (1948-1987)", paper presented at the AAS at Chicago. 26-30. March
Kim H.J (2014) “The birth of liberal peace club in East Asia – San Francisco Peace Treaty (1951) and Korea”, Paper presented at the International Conference held by Seoul National University Asia Center 12-13 December 2014, “Comparative research on the Cold War in Europe and Asia”
Kim H.J (2014) “Is a Korean ‘Sozialstaat’ Possible? – Preconditions for the transition to a Welfare State with comparison”, paper presented at the workshop held by University of Tübingen 31st October.
Kim H.J (2014) “From the ‘Rechtstaat’ to the ‘Sozialstaat’? : Weimar Constitution and Korean Constitution with comparative perspective”, Paper presented at the International Conference held by Central European University(Budapest) 12-14 June 2014, “The Making of a Global Economic Player?”
Kim H.J (2014) " How dictators learn to ‘rule by law’: The cross-regional resonance of the Bismarckian system with Japan and Korea (1871-1987), Paper presented at the International Conference held by Free University Berlin (Korean institute) 28. Feb-1 March 2014, “The Circulation of Knowledge and the Dynamics of Transformation”
Kim H.J (2013). "Three peace regimes in East Asia during the Cold War: Panmunjom, Geneva and Bandung” Paper presented at the Colloquium held by the Graduates school of East Asian studies, Freie Universität Berlin.
B. Korean Publication
Kim H.J (2015), The Origins of the Panmunjom Regime: The Korean War and liberal peace projects판문점체제의기원 (Seoul: Humanitas)
Edited Volume and Book Chapter
Kim H.J (2016), “People in the frontline of the Liberty: The Korean War and anti-communism”, in (ed.), Everyday Life and Cultural History of Korea [생활문화사], (Paju: Changbi). (Forthcoming)
Kim H.J (2016), “The UN and the birth of Bretton Woods system”, in The Post World War II order and Korean History[연합국의세계체제구상과한국의광복], Seoul Museum of History. (Forthcoming)
Kim H.J (2013), "The Chinese Intervention and the birth of "East Asian Division system". In: Wondam, Baek (ed.), The birth of the Cold War Asia: New China and the Korean War [신중국과한국전쟁], (Seoul: Munhwaguahaksa)
Kim H.J(2011) co-author, The another War in the Korean War : Civilian massacres in the U.S document[전쟁속의또다른전쟁: 미군문서로본한국전쟁기민간인학살](Seoul: Sun-in)
Kim H.J(2010) co-author, Battlefield and the people[전장과 사람들], (Seoul: Sun-in)
Kim H.J(2007) co-author, Save our country to death[죽엄으로써 나라를 지키자]. (Seoul: Sun-in)
Kim H.J(2010) “IFM economic crisis and its social background”, History travel out of the class room[교실밖 국사여행], (Seoul: Sagyejol)
Kim H.J(2009) “The Press and publication in Gyung-gi Province”, The History of Gyung-gi Province[경기도사], Gyung-gi Culture Foundation.
Refereed Journal Articles
Kim H.J (2015). "Theoretical analysis of the Panmunjom Regime: A Historical Sociologists approach”, 사회와역사[Society and History], No. 108, 2015. (Seoul: Association of the Social History).
Kim H.J (2013). "Three peace regimes in East Asia during the Cold War: Panmunjom, Geneva and Bandung", Critical Review of History역사비평(No. 105, Win. 2013).
Kim H.J (2011) The activities of department of Information and the genealogy of the Cold war Governmentality, in: 대동문화연구[The Journal of The Great East Asiatic Studies], No. 74., 2011. (Seoul: Asian research center of the Shungkyungwan University).
Kim H.J (2011) The Presidential Emergency order during the Korean War and legislation of the state of exception: the formation of the special penalty law under the state of emergency and its application, in : 사회와역사[Society and History], No. 92, 2011. (Seoul: Association of the Social History).
Kim H.J (2010) 20th century’s civil war and civilian massacre during the Korean War, 아세아연구 [The Journal of Asiatic Studies], No. 142. (Seoul: Asian research center of the Korea University)
Kim H.J (2010) The resistance of the Prisoners of War and the Anti-communist Orientalism, 사림The Historical Journal, No.36.(Seoul: Historical Association)
Kim H.J (2009) The Yosu incident and building of the state of exception state : Press suppression and public relation policy by government, 제노사이드연구The Genocide Studies, No.6.(Seoul: the Korean Genocide Research Association)
Kim H.J (2009) The Politics of suppression and release – The Prisoners of war camp and nation building during the Korean War, 제노사이드연구The Genocide Studies, No.5.(Seoul: the Korean Genocide Research Association)
Kim H.J (2009) The Korean War and the Myth of the ‘humanitarian relief’ : The establishment and character of the UNCACK during the occupation of North Korea, 사림The Historica Journal, No.33.(Seoul: Historical Association)
Kim H.J et al. (2007) Patriotic Passion and "Sublime" Science: Un-searching for Journalistic Truths, 한국언론학보Korean Journal of Communication studies, 51: 1, pp.59-90.
Kim H.J (2004) State Power and Terminal Administration Organization in 1950’s – Mobilization through the Medium of ‘Kukmin-ban’, 역사연구The Journal of Historical Studies, No. 14 (Seoul: Sun-in)
Research Papers
Kim H.J (2015), “Refugee policy (Fluchtlingspolitik) of West Germany during the Cold War and the significance of Social peace“, The Seoul Institute, Research Report.
Conference Papers (Selected)
2013. "The Chinese Intervention and the birth of "East Asian Division system"., Paper presented at the International Conference held by the East Asian research institute of Sunggonghoe University(Korea) “The birth of Cold War East Asia : New China and the Korean War”
2011. "The Incheon Landing and the changes of the Korean War perception”, Paper presented at the workshop held by Asian research institute of Sungyunkwan University
2010. The colonial origins of the Korean state of exception, Paper presented at the International Seminar held by Tokyo foreign University, Jan. <Colony and modernity: the continuations and discontinuation of coloniality>
2010. The formation of the emergency law no.1 during the Korean War and it’s character, Paper presented at the Symposium held by Korea Democracy Foundation Dec <War, Law and Democracy : for overcoming the cold war and democratization of the law of war >
2007. The Theoretical Issues about POW Camp, Paper presented at the Monthly Colloquium held by Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, Seoul National University, Mar. 2007. [전쟁포로수용소 연구의 이론적 쟁점]
2005. The Monopoly of the Public Sphere: Korea’s Public Interest for broadcasting from 1961 to 1979. Paper presented at the Annual Conference held by Korean Social History Association, Seoul, Oct. 2005. [소통공간의 국가독점 – 한국의 방송공익성, 1961-1979]
Review article
Kim H.J (2014) “Who is accountable for the bombing on North Korea? Tae-Woo Kim’s The Bombing(2013 :Paju: Changbi)”, Critical Review of History역사비평 No. 107. (2014 Summer)
Kim H.J (2008) “What ethics can prevent violence and genocide? Sang-Ki, Kim’s The law of violence within Genocide” (2008, Seoul: Sunin), The Genocide Studies, No. 4 (Seoul: the Korean Genocide Research Association)
Kim H.J (2007) The formation of National Intelligence agencies around the Korean War and it’s activities, 제노사이드연구The Genocide Studies, No.2.(Seoul: the Korean Genocide Research Association)
Kim H.J (2004) The Captured Nation: the Idea Control and Conversion[사상검열과 전향의 포로가 된 국민], 당대비평Contemporary Criticism, No. 27 (Seoul: A Tree of thinking)