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Postdoc Opportunities (Abroad)

The Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) has the following provisions for its research grant program:

This program is aim at foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors (including post-doctoral researchers) and doctoral candidates in departments related to Chinese studies at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes. The research should be undertaken in Taiwan, and be focused mainly on Taiwan or Chinese studies.

  • CCS provides assistance with research expenses, research materials, liaison with universities and research institutions, and use of CCS facilities, etc.
  •  Research tenure is one month to one year.
  • CCS provides assistance with research expenses, research materials, liaison with universities and research institutions, and use of CCS facilities, etc.
  • Grantees are entitled to travel subsidies and research subsidies.

Eligibility for travel subsidies is restricted to foreign scholars who currently reside abroad; those already in Taiwan are not eligible.


Applications should be submitted to the CCS by May 31 of each year before the year in which grants are intended to be used; notification of CCS’s decision will be given by the end of August of the same year after a careful review

See also: http://ccs.ncl.edu.tw/ccs2/english/regulation.aspx   


The aim of the programme "Forschungsstipendien für promovierte Nachwuchswissenschaftler (Postdoc-Programm) - Kurzstipendien" is to carry out a self-chosen research project abroad and thus to achieve an important qualification step for a later career in science, business or culture (3-6 months).

Applications are open to candidates with above-average qualifications who have completed their doctorate with very good results (at least magna cum laude or very good) before starting their fellowship.
Under certain circumstances, persons with foreign citizenship can also be included in the funding measures. Eligible to apply are Germans on an equal footing pursuant to § 8 (1) no. 2ff., (2), (2a) and (3) BAföG. Please submit proof of this with your application.

Funding is available for research stays in all disciplines at a host institute abroad of one's own choice. Participation in courses, workshops or similar courses is not funded. A stay at several host institutions in one country is also possible.

Scholarship benefits

  •     Monthly basic amount for board, lodging and ancillary expenses of 1,750 Euro (basic scholarship, depending on host country)
  • Family benefits
  • further benefits listed at DAAD website

Application deadlines (fixed):

Deadline: 15 November
Selection Appointment: February
Start of fellowship: 1 April

Deadline: 15 March
Selection appointment: June
Start of fellowship:1 August

Deadline: 15 Juni
Selection appointment: October
Start of fellowship: 1 Dezember

The purpose of this fellowship by DFG is to enable researchers at an early stage of their scientific career to carry out a clearly defined research project at a place of their choice abroad or to acquaint themselves with new scientific research methods for up to 2 years

Eligibility Requirements

  • German researchers from all disciplines who have completed their academic qualifications (doctorate)
  • International researchers from all disciplines who have completed their scientific training (doctorate)

provided they have been resident in Germany for several years and have completed at least three years of scientific work as a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher in the German research system and state that they wish to continue to pursue their research in Germany in the future.

Limitations apply to early career researchers who, at the time of application, are abroad. As an exception, established researchers holding a doctorate may submit proposals to allow them to dedicate themselves to a research project of particular importance.

Type and Extent of Funding

Basic fellowship plus monthly lump sum payment to cover maintenance and travel costs

Where applicable:

  • Foreign allowance
  • Travel allowance
  • Publication costs

Benefits for fellowship recipients with children:

  • Children’s supplement
  • Support for costs associated with parenting –fellowship extension or childcare allowance

In addition, funding may also be granted to establish or intensify scientific contacts in Germany or be used towards relocation costs on return to Germany (cf. section VI 1 and 2 of the guidelines). Following the research fellowship, candidates may apply for a return grant to facilitate their reintegration into the German academic and research system.

Funding Duration

As a rule, up to 2 years, applications at any time


With the goals of further strengthening the fundamentals of international research into Japan and deepening understanding of Japan, the Hakuho Foundation Japanese Research Fellowship invites leading international researchers of the Japanese language, Japanese language education, Japanese literature and Japanese culture to Japan to conduct residential research.

Eligible research

  • Japanese language
  • Japanese language education
  • Japanese literature
  • Japanese culture


Researchers working in the fields of Japanese language,Japanese language education, Japanese literature or Japanese culture who reside outside Japan and meet all of the criteria below.

  • Affiliated with a higher education or research institution (including postdoctoral scholars, adjunct professors and part-time lecturers), or have equivalent research and educational background.
  • Researchers with a doctoral degree (including degree to be granted on or before December 31, 2018) OR an equivalent level of research or education background.
  • Sufficient Japanese language proficiency to be able to conduct research in Japanese.
  • Non-Japanese national residing outside of Japan or Japanese national who has resided outside Japan for 10 years or more and been active in the academic community ,etc. of the country of their residence.
  • Able to stay continuously in Japan for the duration of the Fellowship period and participate in research reporting sessions arranged by the Foundation.

Applications are not sought from those whose purpose is to write a doctoral thesis.
As research reporting and communications with the Fellowship secretariat on various procedures will be conducted in Japanese only, a suitable level of Japanese language ability is required.
Those who have previously received support for residential research in Japan may also apply.

Fellowship content

  • Invited fellows will have their airfares, living and research expenses, housing and other expenses necessary for conducting research in Japan covered.
  • Long-term (12-month) and short-term (6-month) fellowships are available.
  • Around 15 fellows will be invited each year.

Application Deadline:

 31 October

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers 4 programs for postdoctoral researchers abroad:

  • Feodor Lynen Fellowship (USA)
  • JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowhsip (Japan - long term). Short term fellowships  for postdocs are distributed through DAAD
  • MOST Taiwan fellowship for postdocs

For more information, please visit the Foundation's program website at http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/web/programme.html

IIAS invites outstanding scholars to apply for a fellowship at IIAS. Applicants may also apply for an extra two months of research at the Collège d’études mondiales of the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (CEM-FMSH) in Paris, in the framework of an additional combined IIAS/CEM-FMSH fellowship. https://iias.asia/page/iias-fellowship-application


The position of affiliated fellow is intended for outstanding researchers (also see 'Terms and conditions') from around the world, to work on an important aspect of Asian studies research in the social sciences and humanities. Interdisciplinary interests are encouraged. We also welcome researchers who would like to work on a collaborative grant proposal or develop their PhD thesis into a book publication.

Research focus

IIAS is an institute that actively promotes innovative research and seeks the interconnection between academic disciplines. In doing so, we are particularly looking for researchers focusing on the three IIAS clusters 'Asian Cities', 'Asian Heritages' and 'Global Asia'. However some positions will be reserved for outstanding projects in any area outside of those listed. Applications that link to more than one field are also welcome.

On the application form, you will be asked to indicate to which cluster your proposed research relates, or to choose the "open category". You are also asked to indicate how your proposed research may contribute to the general vision of IIAS and its emphasis on interconnected studies.

Terms and conditions

  1. Applicants must have fulfilled all requirements of the PhD. If you are a PhD candidate at the time of application, you may also apply, provided that you graduate within 5 months after the application deadline (see below). A letter from your university will be required to confirm your graduation before this date.
  2. If you are applying for a grant from IIAS to cover your research period in the Netherlands, the fellowship will be tenable for a maximum period of 10 months.
  3. Support for research (office facilities, library access, networks, etc.) will be provided.
  4. Affiliated fellows are expected to participate in IIAS events, including the fellow seminars, monthly lunch lectures, and drinks.


If IIAS decides to sponsor your research by awarding a grant, you will receive:

- A monthly grant of €2000;
- Office facilities and access to the Leiden University Libraries;
- A one-time grant of (max) €1000 towards the costs of (international) travel.

Extend your IIAS fellowship with an additional two months of research at the Collège d’études mondiales of the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (CEM-FMSH) in Paris, France

Anyone applying for a IIAS fellowship can simultaneously apply for two extra months of research in Paris. If you are interested in this option, you should indicate this on the IIAS Application form.

Application deadlines

1 March and 1 October of each year

The Louis Frieberg Center for East Asian Studies offers post-doctoral fellowships for the 2019-2020 academic year. The post-docs are open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences specializing in East Asia, especially China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia.

Fellowships are granted for one academic year or one semester. The starting date of the visit should not be later than four years after receipt of the doctoral degree; the fellow must hold a valid doctoral degree no later than October 2019.
The fellowship consists of a monthly stipend (tax free) of $1,800, paid in Israeli currency and linked to the representative rate of exchange. Fellows are entitled to one airline ticket (economy class, up to $1,500) for a direct flight from their hometown to Israel and back. The fellows are expected to teach one semester-long course at the Hebrew University (for additional payment, according to the Hebrew University regulations). The ability to teach a course in Hebrew is welcome, but is not a prerequisite for attaining the fellowship. The fellows will also actively participate in the life and activities of the Louis Frieberg Center for East Asian Studies and will present their research at the seminar of the Department of Asian Studies, and possibly at other relevant forums. Any work outside the Hebrew University would be allowed only after specific approval by the Frieberg Center. Applicants should submit one hard copy and an electronic copy—in one file—of their application to the address below, no later than March 4, 2019.

For questions and further info please contact eacenter@mail.huji.ac.il

To read more on the Department of Asian Studies: http://en.asia.huji.ac.il/